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Valerie J Camp

Speaker, Spiritual Growth & Health Coach


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Hi, I'm Valerie. It's nice to meet you!


Hi, I'm Valerie and I am so glad you are here! From faith to health, I have overcome many challenges in my life and through those experiences, I have found a life that I truly love. My hope is that as I share my story, you will fall in love with life and find joy and excitement in your journey. I am here to share my story with you through a different kind of conversation around God, faith, the Bible and health. So what is my story? I'm so glad you asked...


You may have lost faith, experienced stress, illness, setbacks or losses, but that is not the end of your story. I know, because it was not the end of mine. I am thankful for every battle, every wound, every scar, and every challenge in life because they have made me who I am and they have made each of us who we are; the beautiful souls that are uniquely you and me. The scars are my favorite part because they tell a story and within those scars are our truest selves, our victory, our healing, our gifts, our passion and our calling. It is the greatest honor to listen to the stories of the people I work with as they share those parts of themselves and turn their scars into stories. This is where the breakthrough happens, this is how the healing begins. Symptoms begin to fade and energy begins to shift. Hope and sorrow become joy and strength and goals become victories.


It is an honor to walk with you  through this beautiful journey called life. I'm excited to join you as your coach and guide. If you're ready to turn your potential into reality, you are absolutely in the right place. I look forward to meeting you!


With love and grace,



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